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Braalbin is located just outside of Halkirk, Scotland, which is along the River Thurso in Caithness, in the Scottish Highlands. Braalbin likely never was a thriving town or village, but a small community of close-knit families. Notably, Braalbin is the birthplace of many MacDonalds including William and Barbara MacDonald.
From that clan like community of MacDonalds, it has today dwindled down into a peaceful field with only remnants of a cemetery surviving as evidence of the MacDonalds and the few others who lived and died here.
As with many Scottish names, there are various spellings of Braalbin. “Braalaabin” as seen on the map above, “Bralbin,” and “Brawlbin” are other spellings. In fact, right across the road is Brawlbin Farm (see below). In 2004, Brawlbin Farm was occupied by Mr. MacKay. MacKay is not pronounced Mac-K, but Ma’kye.
Side note: Many of the MacDonald descendents are related to the MacKays. Alexander J. MacDonald married Mary “MacKay.” Alexander J. and Mary (MacKay) MacDonald were the parents of John Alexander McDonald, a.k.a. “Grampa Jack.”

This Brawlbin Farm building is stubbornly fighting the Highland elements and appears to still be of some service.

Looking down the one lane road bordering Braalbin makes it hard not to imagine all the MacDonalds who have passed down it… All roads in the area and leading into Halkirk are one lane dirt roads.
Inspired by his uncle Doug McDonald, who had researched and made the trip earlier, Robert MacDonald, Jr. set out to discover the MacDonald ancestral roots in Northern Scotland as well. His uncle Doug had provided him with some information about the area and the MacDonald family, along with special places to visit like the L & G Sutherland car dealership and gas station in Halkirk. As a side note, Doug McDonald was no stranger to anybody and made many friends during his trip to Scotland, the folks at L & G Sutherland being just some of many.
A few months after Robert visited Scotland, the uncle and nephew met up in British Columbia, Canada where Doug was anxious to discover how the trip went? “Uncle Doug, I’ve got bad news…I’m pretty sure we’re not from royalty…”
That being said, all the MacDonalds/McDonalds come from a family proud of their Scottish ancestry, royalty or not.